We are in our final Winter Course weeks and let's explore our ability to find out in our students hidden talents and think about to promote activities in our plan addresed to reinforce their intelligence, senses, and especial in our subject english their abilities to use words and languages, including technology in this process.
Multiple Intelligences and Technology
Schools and parents know the importance of technology in education. Teachers in schools and parents in homes use computers to enhance their children's education and to develop important computer skills. But we must consider if the technology meets the needs of different learning styles?
Technology does meet the needs of various learning styles.
The multiple intelligences can be enhanced with the use of technology. Following Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligence, teachers can encourage development by providing enrichment opportunities in each of the areas of the intellect.
Integrating Technology in Multiple Intelligences:
Linguistic: Use of word processing programs can help teach language, writing, editing, and rewriting skills. Also the Internet is an invaluable tool in learning. Through e-mail children can improve their language skills as well.
Other applications children may benefit from are:
Word processors with voice annotations.
Desktop publishing programs.
Programs that allow children to create stories, poems, essays, etc.
Multimedia authoring.
Videodiscs to create presentations.
Using tape recorders.
I suggest this web page which offer activities and teories that support our teaching techniques to support multiple intelligences:http://www.casacanada.com/multech.html.
There are different types of intelligences and according to them there are certain professions.
LINGUISTIC: Poets and literacy stylist. Lyric composers.
SPATIAL: Artists, inventors, film directors, surgeons, engineers, plane pilots, chess players, architects.
MUSICAL: Composers, instruments players.
KINESTHETIC - CORPORAL: Athletes, dancers, gymnasts, jugglers, actors, mimes.
INTERPERSONAL: Politicians, novelists, drama writers, statisicians, lawyers, psychologists and psychiatrists, journalists, leaders, businessmen,teachers.
INTRAPERSONAL: Mystics, revolutionaries, adventurers, telepathics, psychics, philosophers
Multiple Inteligences:
Intelligence is defined as "ability or abilities to acquire and use knowledge for solving problems and adapting to the world." (108) By solving problems, intelligence offers a way in which to learn different methods of recieving information. Each of us exhibits different levels of intelligence( IQ) and also parts of our brain are more developed than others(multiple intelligences).The nature of intelligence involves: "the capacity to learn, the total knowledge a person has aquired, and the ability to adapt to new situation and the environment in general"
Hello Orquidia,
ReplyDeleteI like the way you summed up different types of intelligences. I also like the picture you provided. Also, the list you gave for different professions people with different intelligences get involved with is fun to read. Thank you.
Hello Orqidia,
ReplyDeleteBefore publishing mine I usually read the other blogs and give comments to one or more but It was surprising to see the picture of the types of intellenge pie chart that you include on your reflection, as I chose the same one for my blog. Then I searched for different picture.
But I really enjoyed reading your explanation this week.